The form of sales order
A sales order can be issued for an item of both merchandise type, service type and set type. The form of sales order is composed of several tabs, but in order to issue an order, only the General tab needs to be filled out and an item needs to be added.
A new sales order can be added by clicking [Add] in the List button group.
Tab General
This tab contains basic data which must be provided to be able to issue an order. In case of simple documents which do not require e.g. special settlements regarding payment or verification of the customer’s data, filling out of the following fields on this tab is entirely sufficient to define a sales order.
Figure 58 Tab General on the form of sales order.
The tab is composed of two parts:
- The header in which the following information is specified: document number, customer, secondary customer, type of transaction, VAT rate, payment form, due date, center, document status, date of issue, expected date, reservation activation date, subtotal and total values, and the remaining credit limit
- The list of items providing the basic information about the selected items, such as: item code, name, quantity, unit of measure, regular price, price, discount, subtotal value and VAT rate
The header contains general information about the document:
Number – information displayed in this field depends on the selected type of document (that is on the selected numerator scheme – see: Configuration -> Numerators). Depending on the numeration scheme, the number is composed of three to eight sections arranged in the order specified by the user. If the defined numeration scheme contains the Warehouse section (a company has several warehouses), clicking on the arrow next to this section displays a list of all warehouses allowing the selection of the appropriate one. A warehouse can be selected by indicating it on the list (by hovering the left mouse button over it) and then clicking the left mouse button. The symbol (entered when adding the warehouse – see: Configuration -> Numerators) of the selected warehouse will appear in the number.
When generating a new sales order, its subsequent number appears automatically in the number section. That number cannot be granted by the user. When deleting an unconfirmed order, its number is vacated, this means, that a newly generated sales order receives the number of the deleted sales order. For example, when there are three sales orders registered in the system with the following numbers: SO/2007//00001, SO/2007//00002, SO/2007//00003 and the unconfirmed sales order with number SO/2007//00002 is deleted, a new sales order will receive that number.
Customer/Secondary Customer – fields for entering the data of an entity to whom the document must be issued. The entity code will be displayed on the document form. There are two different types of business entities:
Customer – entity purchasing an item
Secondary Customer – entity receiving the purchased item, that is the addressee of the delivery
Such distinction is reasonable in situation when the purchased item is sent to a different address than the that of the customer’s address, both when the customer and the secondary customer are the same person and when they are two different entities.
The customer and the secondary customer are selected from the tree of from the list of entities which is available under the button or
. After selecting the entity, his code will appear in the header of the order. Other data of the entity can be previewed or completed in the Customers tab where it is possible to fill in the missing fields or edit already provided information. The modified data will be updated in the Customers directory.
Transaction Type – field for determining the type of transaction the document refers to
VAT Rates – field for selecting VAT rate
Payment Form – payment form in which the payment of the advance invoice must be effected
Due Date – payment date. The number of days preceding the specified date indicates a particular date of effecting payment against the specified date. If the date is changed, the number of days is automatically updated and the other way round
Center – field for selecting the unit of the company structure
Document Status – determines the current status of the opened document. The document may have one of the following statuses:
Initiated – document is being issued and it is not saved in the database yet
Unconfirmed – document is saved as unconfirmed and can be edited
Confirmed – confirmed document cannot be modified
Canceled – canceled document is not editable
Date of Issue – specified the date when the document was issued. By default, the system date (current date) is suggested. A sales order can also be generated with a date earlier than the current date.
Expected Date – order expected date
Reservation Activation Date – date from which the selected order items will be reserved in a wwarehouse
Subtotal – subtotal value of the document in the document currency. This field only provides information and it is not editable
Total – total value of the document in the document currency. This field only provides information and it is not editable
Remaining Credit Limit – this field is not editable. It only provides information about the amount of the merchant credit which can still be used by the customer. Value of the remaining credit limits is expressed in the system currency
Collect Resources – if checked, the item or subitem of an order will be associated with the stocked resource. After specifying the quantity of the selected item or its subitems, the system will collect the resources. In case if the specified quantity is larger than the quantity of the merchandise available in stock, the resorces of the last subitem(s) will not be collected.
If this parameter remains unchecked, the subitems will not be associated with resources. Unassociated resources are available in stock and can be sold. Associated resources are reserved and cannot be sold by issuing a different trade-warehouse document.
List of items
One sales order can be issued for several different items. In this part of the tab, there is a list of all items for which the document has been issued:
No. – ordinal number of items; if one of the document items is removed, the other items are automatically renumbered
Code – code of the selected item
Name – name of the selected item
Quantity – quantity of the item that must be sold
UOM – unit of measure in which the item is sold (it does not need to be the basic unit of measure)
Price – price of one piece of item before discounts
Discount – discount that has been granted for the item (it does not include the user discount, customer discount, and the discount on payment form)
Subtotal Value – subtotal value of given item (quantity * discounted price)
Regular Price – price of one piece of item
VAT Rate – rate assigned to the item
The list of items works in edit in place mode which means that the data such as item quantity, units of measure and the amount of user discount can be changed directly on the list. Each change of one of these values recalculates the other values of the item.
Note: The item cannot be edited by double clicking on it when the list is running in edit in place mode. Double click works only if the cursor is placed in the non-editable fields of the list.
Tab Customers
This tab contains the customer’s and secondary customer’s address information. This information is filled out automatically after the selection of an entity in the General tab. All the provided data can be changed or completed if missing. This change updates the data saved in the customer forms.
Figure 59 Tab Customers on the form of sales order.
In tab Customers, there are also two subtabs available. In the subtab Contacts it is possible to select a contact person representing the customer’s company. Details provided in this tab facilitate contacting that person. Contact persons are added in the system on the customer form in tab Contacts. Details regarding the addition of contacts can be found in the document describing the customer form.
Figure 60 Tab Contacts on the form of sales order.
Tab Currencies
In this tab, the user specifies the currency in which a sales order will be issued. The order can be issued in a different currency than the system currency. The currency must be selected before adding the first item. After adding the item, the system is blocking the change of the document currency. In such case, to be able to change the currency, you need to delete the item. After opening the form, the system currency appears automatically, but it can be changed.
Then you need to specify the type of exchange rate from which the currency exchange rate will be retrieved. The default type of exchange rate, set by the user in the configuration, is suggested automatically, but it can be changed by expanding the list of defined exchange rate types (see: Configuration -> Exchange Rates) with the downwards arrow and selecting a different one. If the exchange rate for given currency and the dates have been defined for selected type of exchange rate, then this exchange rate will be automatically retrieved. In case of the manual type of exchange rate, the exchange rate must be specified individually by entering its value on the keyboard or with the use of the upwards/downwards arrows . In case of the exchange rate type for which the exchange rate was not defined on given day, the following message is displayed: “A different date of exchange rate has been retrieved.” It means that the exchange rate has been retrieved from the last day it was defined for. If the exchange rate has not been defined for given type of exchange rate, the following message is displayed: “There is no quotation of the exchange rate for the currency [currency symbol] on [date].” and the type of exchange rate is automatically changed into manual.
The system also allows the specification of the date from which the exchange rate must be retrieved. By default, the option: Any Date is selected, but this option can be changed. A different date can be selected from the predefined drop-down list.
Figure 61 List of date types.
Any Date – date which can be entered on the keyboard or selected from the built-in calendar which is available in the Date field. The exchange rate will be retrieved for the selected date if such rate exists.
Date of Issue – order date of issue. The date is retrieved automatically from the document header and if it is selected, the field Date becomes insensitive.
In configuration, in the document types registry, it is possible to determine the day from which the exchange rate should be retrieved and the date from the document header against which it should be retrieved. Thus, if the retrieval of the exchange rate must depend, according to the settings specified on the form of the document type, on the date of issue and the number of days is set to e.g. 3, then the exchange rate will be retrieved from the third day prior to the date of issue.
Figure 62 Defining of exchange rate retrieving settings in the document types registry.
The Currencies tab is non-editable. It contains information about currencies assigned to a document together with their exchange rates from a given day. Number of positions on the list differs depending on the number of currencies used while issuing the document. In case of different currencies of document and element, on the list it’s always marked which currency is a currency of document.
Figure 63 Tab Currencies on the form of sales order.
Tab Amounts
Information in this tab is filled out automatically upon saving a document. The tab is divided into two panels: VAT Elements and Payments.
Figure 64 Tab Amounts on the form of sales order.
VAT Direction – determines the method of calculating VAT. VAT can be calculated on subtotal or total prices. By default, value of this field is set to “On Subtotal”. Depending of the set value, items of a document will be displayed and edited as subtotal or total prices.
On Subtotal – first subtotal value of invoice in individual VAT rates is calculated then VAT tax as percent of this value and total value as sum of subtotal and VAT.
On Total – first total value of invoice in individual VAT rates is calculated then VAT tax and subtotal value as result of subtraction of total and VAT value
VAT Aggregation – defines values from which VAT will be calculated. There are two possibilities:
Sum of VAT items – i.e. for each element of document VAT is calculated individually and then it’s summed
VAT on values total – VAT is calculated from value (sum) of the whole document
VAT table
VAT table displays summary of the whole order in the system currency. It’s possible that on one order there will be elements with different VAT rates. Then VAT table displays values summed for individual VAT rates.
If document is issued in a foreign currency then apart from values in the system currency VAT table contains also value in a foreign currency calculated with proper exchange rate.
The second panel Payments presents payments associated with given order. This panel is filled out automatically after saving the document. While issuing on order, the system suggests one payment based on information entered in tab General (total and subtotal value of order).
User can add payment by himself and define its parameters. All changes on payments list can be entered only when issuing an order and editing of unconfirmed order.
If payment is made in several installments, it needs to be divided. The number of items on the list depends on the number of the planned installments. Dues dates, payment forms and amounts must correspond to particular installments. More information about dividing and combining payments can be found in the manual Comarch ALTUM Finances.
The list of payments can be modified with standard buttons from the Payments button group (see the manual Getting started with Comarch ALTUM -> Buttons). Payments are maintained by the following buttons:
Figure 65 Buttons for maintaining payments available on the form of sales order.
Edit – previews and allows the modification of the document payment
Combine – combines several payments into one
Divide – devides one payment into several payments; this mainly applies to situation when the payment is to be made in several installments or in different forms of payment
Refresh – updates the payment details
Note: When dividing payment, the system suggests next deposits amounting to the missing value of the order. If the order value is exceeded – it won’t be possible to save such document. But in more complicated cases it’s not able to calculate amounts so that sum of installments equals to the value of the order. If values are different it will be impossible to confirm the document.
Below is the following payment details displayed on the list:
Entity – name of the payer
Receivable – value of receivable
Payable – value of payable
Amount Remaining – remaining amount to be completed
Payment Form – form in which payment must be effected
Due Date – date of payment
Currency – symbol of a currency in which payment was generated. Automatically, if user doesn’t change it, it’s consistent with currency of document. It’s important to remember that document can be issued in different currency and payment in different.
Tab Associated Documents
This tab, just like the Currencies tab is not editable. It contains information about all documents associated with given order, e.g.: sales invoice generated from the order. Information in this tab is updated automatically in accordance with the carried out transactions.
Figure 66 Tab Associated Documents on the form of sales order.
Tab Description
This tab is used for providing of additional information regarding a given sales order.
Figure 67 Tab Description on the form of sales order.
Tab Attributes
Details about how to assign an attribute values to an object can be found in Comarch ALTUM Directories manual, in chapter Assigning attribute value to an object.
Figure 68 Tab Attributes on the form of sales order
Characteristics of sales orders
Sales orders are trade documents which generate payments. The status of all payments associated with these documents is Not subject to payments which means that they can be neither combined nor compensated from transaction. Sales orders, just like invoices and external documents (POR, SOR) can be issued in foreign currencies. Prices of items selected on orders are specified on the basis of price lists for released items as those used for sales invoices. Sales orders do not need to be issued on a particular customer or vendor.
Rules for converting sales order to sales invoice
- only a confirmed order can be converted
- sales order can be converted to SI, SOR or receipt
- sales orders do not affect the quantity of an item in stock, they affect the quantity of an ordered item
- it is possible to convert:
- one sales order to one sales invoice
- many sales orders to one sales invoice when:
i. orders refer to the sames customer
ii. orders are issued in the same currency
iii. tax directions and aggregations set on the orders are the same
iv. item is collected from one warehouse – in case of converting an order to a warehouse document (SOR)
- many sales orders to many sales invoices when:
i. orders refer to different customers
ii. they are issued in different currencies
iii. tax directions or aggregations set on the orders are different
iv. item is collected from more than one warehouse – in case of converting orders to a warehouse documents (SOR)
- orders can be issued for a resource that is not in stock
- a document generated from an order is saved automatically as unconfirmed
- order from which another document was generated cannot be canceled
- generated orders can be freely modified that is:
- document header
- and data connected with resources