List of documents


List of documents contains the basic information about a given document: document number, customer/vendor name, customer’s/vendor’s  address, date of issue, document subtotal and total values, information whether the document was generated from another document, and the document status.

Documents displayed on the list may have different statuses. Each status is marked in a different color. The colors of statuses are defined by the user in the document types registry (see Configuration -> Document Types).


There are four basic types of document statuses:

1)    Unconfirmed – document which has not yet been approved. Unconfirmed document can be modified. It can be also deleted. Saving document as unconfirmed results in generation of an event in payment plan.

2)    Confirmed – confirmed document cannot be edited. It’s only possible to preview document and its elements details. Such document can’t be deleted – it can be only canceled.

3)    Canceled – document exists physically on a list but it has no further consequences in the system, e.g. cancelled PI doesn’t increase item resources in warehouse.

4)    Posted – document registered it the books. It cannot be edited. It is possible to view its details only. A posted document cannot be deleted – it can be only canceled upon prior canceletion of a journal entry.


Additional statuses of documents which are applied only for some of the documents are the following:

1)    Pending – status relating only to sales/purchase orders. It indicates a document which has not been fully completed.

2)    Completed – status relating only to sales/purchase orders. It indicates that the warehouse documents have been generated for all items of an order and the order has been completely processed.

3)    Closed – status relating only to sales/purchase orders. Such status is given to orders the execution of which the operator deliberately resigned.

4)    Rejected – this status is specific for purchase and sales quotes. Quotes which will not be completed are rejected for a particular reason, e.g. a customer was not interested.




List of documents