Generating of documents
The system allows user to issue a document manually or generate it from another document. Functionality of document generation makes work with system much easier – it saves user time. In process of document generation the system distinguishes: source document from which another document will be generated and generated document – document created in generation process. Both these documents are closely connected and complement one another.
Source documents can be generated without corrections (e.g. PI out of POR). Documents can be also generated out of corrected source documents (e.g. SOR with SORVC and SORQC out of SI with SIVC and SIQC).
It’s possible to generate trade document from warehouse document (e.g. PI from POR), warehouse document from trade document (e.g. POR from PI) and warehouse document from another warehouse document. From receipt user can generate both SOR (warehouse document) and SI (trade document). After generating SI from receipt there is no possibility of generating SOR, however in situation when first SOR is generated – SI still can be generated from the same receipt. Generated warehouse document confirms information from trade document about acceptance or release of an item from warehouse.
Functions in menu List inform about types of documents which can be generated and they depend on active window of list of documents, e.g. on list of purchase invoices function Generate POR is active, on list of sales invoices – Generate SOR, on list of WM- – Generate WM+.
Generated document is saved automatically as unconfirmed. It means that it can be edited. All data on generated document is retrieved from source document, some of it can be changed, e.g. customer, date. It’s impossible to change elements of document nor their quantity and value. Generated document must be in values respect identical to document from which it was generated.