Internal receipts
Internal receipts (IR+) are documents reflecting items flow within the company. It doesn’t generate payment nor calculate VAT tax, but it has direct impact on value and quantity of resource in a warehouse.
As opposed to PI and POR, IR+ documents are issued only in the system currency and net value.
List of IR+ documents
List of internal releases can be displayed from: Warehouse-> IR+ menu.
Figure 205 IR+ in tab: Warehouse.
The window displays a list of all issued internal releases.
There is following information about each element of the list displayed:
Number – number of IR+ generated according to used numeration schemas (see manual Comarch ALTUM System Configuration -> Numerators)
Date of Issue – document generation date
Warehouse – warehouse to which the selected item is received
Customer/Employee Code – code of customer/employee a given IR+ is generated for
Customer/Employee Name – name of customer/employee a given IR+ is generated for
Value – subtotal value of a document
Status – status of a registered document
Figure 206 List of IR+ documents.