The form of internal receipt


Internal release document can be issued only for item of merchandise and set types, which was registered in the system.


ALTUM image025 The form of internal receipt Note: Internal receipt can issued only for items of merchandise and set types.


IR+ form has several tabs, but in order to make a document it’s enough to fill in General tab and add an element.

In order to add a new document user has to click [Add] button from the List button group.




Tab General

This tab contains basic data which has to be filled in order to issue an IR+. In case of simple documents, which don’t require any special settlements concerning analytical description or attributes – it’s enough to fill in successive fields on this tab in order to issue a document.


ALTUM image526 The form of internal receiptFigure 207 Tab General on the form of IR+.



TabGeneral is composed of two parts:

  1. The header in which the following information is specified: number, customer/vendor/employee, warehouse, center, date of issue, subtotal value. There is also the field Description for providing addition information
  2. List of items which provides the basic information about the items assigned to a document: item code, name, quantity, unit of measure, and value




Header contains basic information about whole document:

Number – content of this field depends on selected document type (that is on selected numerator schema – see manual Comarch ALTUM System Configuration -> Numerators. Depending on numerator schema, there can be 3 to 8 fields displayed in defined by user sequence. These fields will contain particular sections of a number. If in numeration schema user defined a section containing warehouse (company owns several warehouses) –  clicking the arrow next to the field will display a list of all warehouses and allow user to select one. Symbol (entered while adding a new warehouse) of selected warehouse will appear in the number.

When a document is created in number section a new number appears automatically. User can’t assign his own number to a document by entering it by hand. When an unconfirmed document is deleted, its number is dispensed, i.e. new IR+ will receive the number of deleted IR+, e.g. there are three documents in the system with numbers: IR+/2007//00001, IR+/2007//00002, IR+/2007//00003. IR+ with number IR+/2007//00002 (unconfirmed) is deleted. After deleting this IR+ the newly added document will receive number  IR+/2007//00002.

ALTUM image528 The form of internal receipt - clicking on this button allows for the selection of entity to whom a document must be issued. An IR+ document can be generated both for a customer or vendor or employee. The option Customer/Vendor is set, by default. To select a customer/vendor, you need to click on the button with the Customer/Vendor option – the list of customers and vendors will then be opened. In the opened list, highlight the customer/vendor on the list or on the tree with the left mouse button and then click [Select] in the Selection button group or double click on the selected entity. To cancel the selection of the entity, click [Close]. To issue an IR+ document to an employee, choose the option Employee by clicking on the downwards arrow next to this button. Clicking on the button with the selected option Employee opens the list of employees. The employee is selected in the same way as customer/vendor.

Warehouse – in this field user can define which warehouse is assigned to a document, i.e. to which warehouse items will be added. While issuing a new document the system automatically suggests default warehouse, if user has permissions to it. In order to change it to another warehouse, user has to click [Warehouse] button.


ALTUM image025 The form of internal receiptNote: It’s impossible to add element or save IR+ document without selected warehouse




Center – name of the center in which the user currently works

Description – field for providing additional information. A description can be composed of any sequence of characters

Document Status – specifies the status of a currently opened document. Document statuses can be the following:

Initiated -  document is being issued, it is not yet saved in the database.

Unconfirmed – document saved as unconfirmed can be edited.

Confirmed – confirmed document cannot be modified

Canceled – such document is not editable

Date of Issue - date, when document was issued. By default, the system date is suggested (current date), but it can be changed by user.

Subtotal – subtotal value of entire document. Next to the Subtotal Value field, there is another field with the symbol of currency.  Because IR+ is always issued in the system currency, this field is filled in automatically with the symbol of the system currency.



List of items

One IR- document can be issued for several items but all of them have to be accepted to the same warehouse. In this part of the form a list of all items for which document was issued is displayed:

No. – ordinal number of elements, if one of document elements is deleted then remaining items will be renumbered automatically

Code – code of selected merchandise

Name – name of the selected item

Quantity – merchandise quantity

UOM – unit in which merchandise is received (it doesn’t have to be basic unit)

Value – subtotal value of a given item







Tab Associated Documents

Associated Documents tab is non-editable for user. It contains information about all documents assigned to a given IR+, e.g. inventory sheet. This information is automatically brought up to date, according to carried out transactions. It contains basic information about assigned document, like: number, date of issue, customer/employee name, subtotal and total value of a document, and the document type.


ALTUM image530 The form of internal receiptFigure 208 Tab Associated Documents on the form of IR+.




Tab Attributes

Details about how to assign an attribute values to an object can be found in the manual Comarch ALTUM Configuration, in chapter Assigning attribute value to an object instance.


ALTUM image532 The form of internal receiptFigure 209 Tab Attributes on the form of IR+.




Tab Analytical Description

Details of defining analytical description for an object are described in the manual Comarch ALTUM Directories -> Defining analytical description.


ALTUM image534 The form of internal receiptFigure 210 Tab Analytical Description on the form of IR+.



Adding an item to IR+ document

IR+ can be issued only for a registered merchandise or set, e.g. its data is saved in the Items directory. It’s not possible to issue a document with one – time item, without entering its data into the database.


ALTUM image025 The form of internal receiptNote: IR+ can’t be issued with inactive item.


ALTUM image535 The form of internal receipt

Figure 211 Elements button group on the form of IR+.




Characteristics of unconfirmed IR+

Below are the following features characteristic for an unconfirmed internal receipt document:

  1. It can be edited
  2. It reserves item in quantity on which internal receipt was issued – if quantity or item are changed on document then reservation is changed
  3. It can be deleted permanently – removal deletes reservation
  4. It can be confirmed from the level of the document form or the list of IR+ documents

5.     It can’t be posted




Characteristics of confirmed IR+

Confirmig of IR+ document both from the level of the document form and the list of documents results in the same consequences. Such confirmed IR+ has following features:

  1. It can’t be edited – only details of document or element can be previewed, without possibility of changing them
  2. It can’t be deleted
  3. It can be posted
  4. Increases item’s quantity stock in a warehouse at quantity from document

5.     It can be canceled – increases quantity of item in warehouse




The form of internal receipt