Item details window on IR+ document


Adding a new element is possible after clicking [Add] button from Elements button group – it will cause item form to open.






Tab General

Tab General contains basic information about a given item. The most important are: code, quantity, subtotal price and currency in which this item was retrieved from price list.


ALTUM image537 Item details window on IR+ documentFigure 212 Tab General on the form of IR+.



The whole tab is divided into three parts, containing following information:

1.       Item code and name and a description field – Merchandise/Set

2.       Quantity, unit of measure, subtotal price and subtotal value – Calculation

3.       Subitems being received – Subitems


At the very top of the Item Details window, there is the following information provided:


Precision – number of decimal places in the price values presented in the calculation panel. Value displayed in this field is retrieved from the sales order definition. The value set on the form of this document type is suggested, by default.


Control: quantity * price = value – if this parameter is checked, it will be possible to enter only such value which can be calculated as a product of quantity and price


Merchandise/Set  – a merchandise is selected from the list of all active items, defined in Items directory. List of items can be displayed by clicking button ALTUM image498 Item details window on IR+ document. Item can be also selected by entering its code into field next to [Merchandise/Set] button and clicking “Enter”. The second way requires knowledge of codes. The field next to code displays name of selected item.

Description – field for entering additional remarks which can be composed of any sequence of characters




After selecting the item values will appear in following fields:

ALTUM image538 Item details window on IR+ document






ALTUM image540 Item details window on IR+ documentFigure 213 Calculation panel on the form of IR+.



Quantity– defines quantity of item which will be received.

Next to quantity there is a field with unit symbol. In this field the system displays automatically basic unit or default unit assigned to a given document type. Unit can be changed to one of units defined in Units of Measure directory (see: Configuration -> Units of Measure”).

Next to field with symbol of unit, in grey rectangle, appears conversion rate to basic unit.


Price (S) – subtotal price of one piece of item

Value (S) – subtotal value of the selected item in the system currency. In the field aside, the currency symbol is displayed


ALTUM image025 Item details window on IR+ documentNote: Subtotal value of items which price is specified in a foreign currency equals to 0.




After selecting an item in part Subitems the system creates next positions which allow user to define the features of accepted item. Warehouse can’t be changed because only one warehouse can be assigned to IR+, so all the items are accepted to the same warehouse. However different features can be defined, of course only if such features were assigned to an item.


IR+ subitems are used to store information about lots of items forming an item of IR+.

No. – ordinal number of subitem

Warehouse – warehouse to which an item will be accepted. It can’t be different than warehouse selected on a header of IR+ document

Quantity – quantity of item which will be accepted to a warehouse

Purchase Value – value of the actually stocked merchandise (quantity * unit price)

Acquisition Value – acquisition value of the actually stocked merchandise (quantity * acquisition unit price)


ALTUM image025 Item details window on IR+ documentNote: One IR+ document can have only one warehouse assigned




Tab Attributes

Details about how to assign an attribute values to an object can be found in the manual Comarch ALTUM Configuration, in chapter Assigning attribute value to an object instance.




Item details window on IR+ document