Internal releases


Internal releases (IR-) are documents reflecting items flow within the company. They have impact on warehouse value. Often used to document losses, releases of item for test period or loans. This list contains also IR- documents generated in result of stocktaking.


ALTUM image025 Internal releasesNote: Internal release does not refer to services. This document cannot be issued for item of service type.


Internal release (confirmed or unconfirmed) has impact on item stock decreasing quantity in warehouse and available quantity.

IR- documents don’t generate payments, don’t calculate VAT tax and don’t generate records in VAT accounts.


As opposed to SI and SOR, IR- documents are issued only in the system currency and subtotal value.



List of IR- documents

List of internal releases can be displayed from: Warehouse -> IR- menu.


ALTUM image484 Internal releases

Figure 187 IR- documents in tab Warehouse.



The window displays a list of all issued internal releases.

There is following information about each element of the list displayed:

Number – number of IR- generated according to used numeration schemas (see manual: Comarch ALTUM System Configuration -> Numerators)

Date of Issue – document generation date

Date of Release

Warehouse – warehouse from which a given item was released

Customer Code – code of the customer a given IR- was generated for

Customer Name – name of the customer a given IR- was generated for

Address – customer’s address

Subtotal Value – subtotal value of the document

Total Value – total value of the document

Status – current status of the registered doucment


Reference Number



ALTUM image486 Internal releasesFigure 188 List of IR- documents.




Internal releases