

Inventory consists in establishing by means of list actual state of all elements of tangible assets and explanation of differences between state stated during inventory (actual state) and state resulting from warehouse record.


Documents concerning inventory are present in the Warehouse tab under the icon Inventories.


ALTUM image563 Inventory

Figure 226 Inventories in tab Warehouse.



Inventory consists of three stages:

Stage 1 – preparation of inventory and inventory sheets

Stage 2 – carrying out of actual inventory

Stage 3 – registration of actual quantity in the system and issuing of correcting documents



Stage 1 – preparation of inventory and inventory sheets

IS documents contain information about individual items, their quantity resulting from issued documents and value of item in a warehouse in purchase price.

Inventory sheet can have only one warehouse assigned. It means that resources (items) collected on one inventory sheet should be retrieved from the same warehouse. However it’s possible to prepare several IS documents for one warehouse. In order to inventory all the warehouses user has to repeat series of actions for each of them.

Additionally during issue of inventory sheet user can filter resources by:

            - item group (possibility of limiting resources to one or several groups of items),

– one or several features of item (e.g. user can inventory only red items)

– item (we want to inventory only several selected items)

– limit only to items which have quantity bigger than 0)


ALTUM image025 InventoryNote:  The sale of an item that is added to an inventory sheet is blocked until the inventory sheet is confirmed.

Item added to IS has no impact on quantity of this item in warehouse and its value.

IS should be issued for a concrete warehouse and date. This date is a date of stocktaking and it filters additionally all inventoried items. It means that warehouse states (number of inventoried items) present on inventory sheet are states on a given date. In some cases it’s important in time of stocktaking to block the possibility of releasing and accepting item to a warehouse (e.g.: most of the shops are closed during stocktaking). Therefore, the modification of stock of the items included on an unvcoinfirmed inventory sheet is blocked.


ALTUM image025 InventoryNote:  One IS document refers only to one warehouse.


Inventory sheet can have only two statuses: Unconfirmed and Confirmed. After confirming the sheet, it cannot be edited.




Stage 2 – carrying out of actual inventory

Next stage of stocktaking is comparing items physically present in a warehouse with items recorded by the system. User should print created and confirmed inventory sheet. Printout should contain list of all inventoried resources. Next to warehouse quantity there is also an empty column, into which user can insert by hand actual quantity of resources present in a warehouse.



Stage 3 – registration of actual quantity and issuing of correcting documents

The last stage of stocktaking is to include all the differences between the warehouse stock resulting from the records and the actual stock of resources in a warehouse. The differences can be included by entering the actual quantity in the Actual Quantity column on the edited inventory sheets. Upon the confirmation of all inventory sheets and the entire inventory itself, IR+/IR- documents can be generated in order to eliminate the differences.



List of inventories

The list of inventories presents all the inventories generated in the system.  It is maintained by the standard buttons and keys: [Add], [Edit], [Cancel], [Delete], [Refresh], [Confirm], [Close]. Detailed description of these buttons can be found in the manual Getting started with Comarch ALTUM -> Buttons.


The button [Close]is used to close the selected inventory sheet. Inventory can be closed only if the payment documents have been generated, or when there are no discrepancies with the actual warehouse stock.


Information provided on the list of inventories is the following:

Date – document generation date

Warehouse Symbol – symbol of the inventoried warehouse

Warehouse Name – name of the inventoried warehouse

Status – current status of a document



ALTUM image553 Inventory Note: Upon closing the inventory, it is no longer possible to generate IR- and IR+ documents.



ALTUM image565 InventoryFigure 227List of inventories.

