The form of item quantity calculation


Item quantity calculation document allows for the specification of quantities in which items should be ordered to make up the needs of the company. The form of item quantity calculation is composed of two tabs from among which only the General tab needs to be filled in to issue a document.


A new document is generated by clicking [Add]in the List button group.




Tab General

This tab contains the basic data which must be provided in order to generate item quantity calculation.


ALTUM image558 The form of item quantity calculationFigure 222 Tab General on the form of item quantity calculation.



This tab is composed of five panels:

1.     header where such information as document number, description and document status is determined

2.     list of items containing the basic information regarding the items: code, name, quantity in stock, quantity on purchase orders, quantity on sales orders, stock, balance, quantity to order, subtotal price, value 

3.     components – list of items presenting detailed calculation of quantities which compose the indicated item of the document

4.     documents – list of documents generated after calculating item quantities

5.     parameters – parameters for generating item quantity calculation






The header contains general information about the document:


Number – information displayed in this field depends on the selected type of document (that is on the selected scheme of the numerator – see: Configuration -> Numerators). Depending on the numeration scheme, the number is composed of three to eight sections arranged in the order specified by the user.  If the defined numeration scheme contains the Warehouse section (a company has several warehouses), clicking on the arrow next to this section displays a list of all warehouses allowing the selection of the appropriate one. A warehouse can be selected by indicating it on the list (by hovering the left mouse button over it) and then clicking the left mouse button. The symbol of the selected warehouse (entered when adding the warehouse) specified for the numerator will appear in the number.

Document Status – determines the current status of an opened document. The document may have one of the following statuses:

 Initiated – document is being issued and it is not saved in the database yet

Unconfirmed – document is saved as unconfirmed and can be edited

Confirmed – a document is approved and cannot be modified

Canceled – a document is canceled and not editable




Information, provided on the list of items, is presented in several columns which group particular types of quantities composing the balance of item quantity calculation:

Code – code of the selected item

Name – name of the selected item

Quantity in Stock – total quantities available in warehouses

Quantity on Purchase Orders – total quantities on active purchase orders

Quantity on Sales Orders – total quantities on active sales orders

Forecast Quantity

Planned Inventory - minimum stock specified for given item on the item form

Balance – balance of item quantities. It is calculated according to the following formula:

Quantity in Stock + Quantity on Purchase Orders – Quantity on Sales Orders – Planned Inventory

Quantity to Order – this quantity is editable which, in the beginning, equals to the value of the Balance field

Subtotal Price – last purchase price or the purchase price of the vendor, if selected, converted into the system currency

Value – general value of an item calculated by multiplying the quantity to order and the subtotal price




Detailed statement of quantities regarding an indicated item is articulated in the columns: Component Name and Quantity. Information presented in the two columns is the following:

Quantity in Stock – total quantity of the selected item in all warehouses

Quantity on Purchase Orders – total quantity of the selected item in active purchase orders

Quantity on Sales Orders – total quantity of the selected item in active sales orders

Demand Forecast – total quantity of items resulting from the demand forecast documents

Forecast Realization – total quantity of items on purchase orders generated from forecast documents


Next to each component of unconfirmed quantity, there are parameters allowing for the specification whether given component must be included when generating item quantity calculation. By unchecking the parameter and clicking [Recalculate], the selected column will be removed on the list of items, and the quantity will be recalculated without including the selected component.




This panel presents a list of the source documents associated with an item selected in the Components panel. It presents all orders which make up the total quantity of the selected item. In case of selecting Quantity on Purchase Orders component, all numbers of documents making up this component will be displayed. In case of selecting Quantity on Sales Orders component, all numbers of documents making up this component will be displayed.




Date of Issue – date of generating item quantity calculation

End Date – date when generation of item quantity calculation was completed. It indicates the date to which the orders must be included when generating quantity calculation

Planned Inventory – this parameter allows for the specification whether item quantity must be calculated according to minimum or optimal planned inventory

List of warehouses – list of all warehouses which resources are included when generating item quantity calculation




Tab Description 

This tab is used for providing of additional information regarding a given item quantity calculation document.


ALTUM image232 The form of item quantity calculation

Figure 223 Tab Description on the form of item quantity calculation document.




Tab Attributes   

Details about how to assign an attribute values to an object can be found in the manual Comarch ALTUM Configuration, in chapter Assigning attribute value to an object instance.


ALTUM image560 The form of item quantity calculationFigure 224 Tab Attributes on the form of item quantity calculationdocument.

Tab Associated Documents

In this tab, PO and WM- documents which were generated from a confirmed item quantity calculation are presented.


ALTUM image562 The form of item quantity calculationFigure 225 Tab Associated Documents on the form of item quantity calculationdocument.




Generating of item quantity calculation

In order to generate a basic item quantity calculation document, it is necessary to first determine the parameters for generating the document. The alternate warehouses which resources must be included when generating item quantity calculation document can be added by clicking [Add] from the Warehouses buttons group. The selection of an indicated warehouse must be confirmed by clicking [Select] from the Options buttons group. After specifying all the parameters, it is necessary to add items to the document. Items can be added separately by clicking [Add] in the Items buttons group. It is also possible to add a group of items by clicking [Add Group].


ALTUM image553 The form of item quantity calculationNote: In case of selecting a parent group of items, the items from all the child groups will be added, as well.


Upon the addition of items, you need to click [Recalculate] in the Elements button group. Quantities of all items will be recalculated and a suggested quantity to be ordered will appear automatically in the Quantity to Order column.




Generating of purchase order from item quantity calculation

Purchase orders can be generated only from a confirmed item quantity calculation document. Orders can be generated both from the level of the list of item quantity calculation documents and from the level of a particular item quantity calculation document. A purchase order is generated by clicking [Generate PO] from the Generation button group. All items which quantities in the column Quantity to Order is greater than zero will be added to the generated order.




Generating of WM- from item quantity calculation

A warehouse movement (WM-) can be generated only from a confirmed item quantity calculation document. The document can be generated both from the level of the list of item quantity calculation documents and from the level of a particular item quantity calculation document. A WM- is generated by clicking [Generate WM-] from the Generation button group. Upon clicking on that button, a list of warehouses is opened. A warehouse which resources will be transferred must be selected from the opened list. All items which quantities in the column Quantity to Order is greater than zero and are sufficient in the warehouse they must be transferred from will be added to the generated warehouse movement (WM-).






The form of item quantity calculation