The form of package document
The form of a package document is composed of several tabs, but in order to issue the document, the data needs to be provided only in tab General and an item needs to be added.
A new package document is generated by clicking [Add] from the List button group.
Tab General
This tab contains basic data which must be provided in order to issue a package.
Figure 216 Tab General on the form of package document.
The tab is composed of two panels:
1. The header in which the following information is specified: document number, reference number, customer name, center, and date of issue. There is also a description field for providing additional information
2. The list of elements providing the basic information about the items added to a given package: item ordinal number, item code, name, quantity, unit of measure, source document, source item number
The header contains general information about the document:
Number – information displayed in this field depends on the selected type of document (that is on the selected scheme of the numerator – see: Configuration -> Numerators). Depending on the numeration scheme, the number is composed of three to eight sections arranged in the order specified by the user. If the defined numeration scheme contains the Warehouse section (a company has several warehouses), clicking on the arrow next to this section displays a list of all warehouses allowing the selection of the appropriate one. A warehouse can be selected by indicating it on the list (by hovering the left mouse button over it) and then clicking the left mouse button. The symbol of the selected warehouse (entered when adding the warehouse) specified for the numerator will appear in the number.
Reference Number
Customer – field for selecting a receiver of a package. The entity code will be displayed on the document.
The receiver can be selected from the “tree” or the list of customers/vendors opened by clicking on the button . After selecting the entity, his code will appear in the header of the package. Other data of the entity can be previewed or completed in the tab Customer where it is possible to fill in the missing fields or edit already provided information. The modified data will be updated in the Customers directory.
Center – name of the center in which the user currently works
Description – field for providing any additional remarks/comment
Document Status – determines the current status of an opened document. The document may have one of the following statuses:
Initiated – document is being issued and it is not saved in the database yet
Unconfirmed – document is saved as unconfirmed and can be edited
Confirmed – a document is approved and cannot be modified
Canceled – a document is canceled and not editable
Date of Issue – date when the document was issued
List of items
The list of items is composed of the following columns:
No. – successive number of package item
Code – item code compatible with the code of the item included on the associated source document (SO, SI, R, SOR)
Name – item name
Quantity – quantity of the item added to the package
UOM – unit of measure compatible with the unit of the item included on the associated source document (SO, SI, R, SOR)
Source Document – symbol and full number of the document from which the item, associated with given item of the package, derives
Source Item No. – compatible with the ordinal number of the source item of given document
Tab Customer
This tab contains the receiver’s address information. The information is filled in automatically after the selection of an entity in the General tab. All the provided data can be changed or completed, if missing. This change updates the data saved in the entity forms. The system does not allow saving a document without complete address data of the selected entity.
Figure 217 Tab Customer on the form of package document.
Tab Associated Documents
This tab contains those SO, SI, R, SOR documents: which items have been clipped to the package, but a given document is presented only once, e.g., two items of the order SO-4/2008 were added to the package, but the order is presented on the Associated Documents tab only once.
Figure 218 Tab Associated Documents on the form of packagedocument.
Tab Attributes
Details about how to assign an attribute values to an object can be found in the manual Comarch ALTUM Configuration, in chapter Assigning attribute value to an object instance.
Figure 219 Tab Attributes on the form of package document.