Purchase order receipt
With respect to functionality, PO receipt (POR) is very similar to purchase invoice. It documents receipt of item from supplier, on defined purchase conditions. Basic difference lies in the fact that it’s not a document put in VAT account and it doesn’t generate payments.
POR are warehouse documents which change the value and the quantity of a stocked merchandise. They can be generated as separate documents, but they can also be associated with purchase invoices and purchase orders. There are three methods of generating purchase order receipts:
1. POR can be generated from the level of the POR documents list
2. POR can be generated from a confirmed purchase invoice
3. POR can be generated from a confirmed purchase order
The first method allows the registration of the receipt of goods on the basis of the sent POR documents (POR is registered).
Figure 204 List of POR documents.
List of POR documents is available in tab Warehouse under the icon POR.
On the list of POR documents and on POR document, there is an additional button: [Confirm Quantity]available in the List button group. This button is used for confirming of the quantity on an unconfirmed document, which means that the quantity of the merchandise cannot be changed after it has been confirmed.
On list of documents there is also a column Invoice. This column presents the number of the trade document (PI) from which a warehouse document was generated or the number of the trade document (PI) which was generated to a given POR.
In terms of maintaining this document, it is very similar to purchae invoice, thus for more information, see the chapter describing the purchase invoice.